Saturday, 17 December 2011

Religion 3 - Political Correctness

Recently, I learnt that the CEO of a large chain of grocery stores told his staff that they should not wish customers a 'Merry Christmas' this year fearing that they may offend some non-Christians.  Instead, they were permitted to say "Happy Holidays'.  Well, I can assure you that this person is very offended by this decision.

To wish me 'Happy Holidays' during a freezing December is absolutely ridiculous.  In my view a happy holiday would be a stroll around a warm city such as Rome, or somewhere just as inviting but, believe it or not, I am not going anywhere.

Who are these stupid people who are offended by sharing my joy of Christmas — I have yet to meet or hear from anyone.

Recently, I returned from many years living in China.  During my stay in that country I was often invited to celebrate the birthdays of the Buddha and Confucius.  Those who invited me knew that I was not a Buddhist and they were not concerned in any way ... and I was delighted to join them.  Many years ago, I lived in Oman.  There, I was invited to join the end of Ramadan celebrations — I was treated as an honoured guest of the Sultan and, once again, I was delighted to to join in.

On neither occasion was I expected to either become a Buddhist or a Muslim — just, simply, be respectful of their customs and enjoy their company which, naturally, I was.

Therefore, during the next few days, please wish everyone a 'Happy Christmas', and a 'Peaceful New Year'.

Today, I looked at some Christmas cards and, suddenly, I had a brainwave (No remarks please).  I would buy some Christmas cards that were blank inside.  Then, I would create an insert containing a happy message.  On an obscure part of the page I shall type;  'This insert is removable in order that the card may be used next year but, please, do not return to sender.'

Now, before you all shout that I am creating a new generation of Scrooges, think for a moment — these cards may develop a life of their own, an honorable pyramid scheme, renewable cards that will decorate one's home repeatedly.

Note — It seems too late for this year.  Nevertheless, it shouldn't stop you buying them now.

Happy Christmas!

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Quotation - Direction (Perseverance)

Laozi  老子

"If you do not change direction,
you may end up where you are heading."

Monday, 5 December 2011

Politics 7 - Occupation

You are about to learn my opinion of the Occupation Movement.

Winter has arrived, and the occasionally occupied tents have been collected by municipal workers, and when the snow melts next year the parks will reveal patches of mud in place of grass.  One wonders if, next year, more tents will be set up on the mud patches or on new grass.

Is this comment deserved, or even relative?  I believe so, because we can be sure that new grass will be damaged again and, that, is my first point ... carelessness.

Thus, this is not surprising, when they say that there is no ‘leader’ because they do not ‘need’ a leader.  Therefore, do we assume that the person leading the parade through town should be arrested because he, or she, is leading an illegal parade that has no official permission to disrupt traffic?  Do we arrest the occasional member of parliament seen in the parade, after all, is he not a kind of professional leader.  No, sensibly, we let them go, after all, there is not a sign of any professional rioters ... absorbed in there plans for next year’s G20 Summit, no doubt.

So, what is it all about?  It seems to be about the rich 1%, which is understandable when, today, it is revealed by the OECD that the income gap in Canada continues to grow placing it the worst of 34 analyzed countries except for the U.S.  Now, this attracts my attention, wages being one of my pet peeves.  If it is noticeable for Warren Buffet to express concern of the increasing income gap, then, I know that I am in good company.

Therefore, what must be done?  We live in a democratic society, even though some believe that it is a Harper dictatorship in Canada.  Nevertheless, there is a justification, the leadership question aside, for the ‘Movement’ to become a political party, before it is divided by the existing parties and their false promises.

The income gap would become their platform and, in my opinion, very successful.  Of course, those in the 1% division, will complain about an increase in the minimum wage, and increased income taxes, crying;  “Don’t you know that people earning $120,000 annually are in that group!”  As if one can hardly afford to live on that figure.  The party theme song would become, “Don’t cry for me ....”

Could it, should it, and would it happen?  Certainly, the next few years are going to be politically interesting.