Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Bizarre Occasion 3 - Uncomfortably Freezing

Yesterday, as my Canadian friends know, the temperature (with windchill) was -30℃ (That's minus) and there was no incentive to go outside.  In fact, the radio was telling listeners not to go out, because, apparently, 30 seconds in this temperature may cause frostbite (That could just be a rumour).

The bizarre aspect of this chat was an observation from my window, as I watched the main road traffic fighting the terrible snow conditions.  To my amazement, I saw a tiny e-scooter zipping along at, seemingly, 30km/hr.  There was no windscreen which, I assume, took his temperature to -40℃ and I can only imagine that he ended up in hospital.

Can that be regarded as sufficiently 'bizarre'?

Monday, 1 February 2016

POLL - Should Religious Schools Receive Public Funding?

I would like to draw your attention to a poll that I have placed in the side bar to the right of this Blog.

The question is;  Should religious schools receive public funding?

Please note that this post is totally anonymous, i.e., by clicking on a related button, your identity can not be discovered, not even by myself.

Later, the Poll may be used for further discussion.