Thursday, 20 April 2017



‘Blazon’ has now moved to 12,000 viewing figures and, I present them, mainly for my own benefit. 

Instead of starting from the beginning of time that, usually, indicated the popularity of political Posts, I will consider, only, the statistics since the point of 11,000 views.

This places the following Posts, in the most-read position:

  • An Uncertain Future (30th January, 2017
  • Sanctuary Cities (2nd April, 2017).


Google Chrome has been, by far, the most popular Browser at 74% for the period, ahead of Apple Safari.

Microsoft Windows has regained a small lead over Apple MacOS for operating systems, at 52% overall. 

Canada and the France produced the predominant viewers.

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Sanctuary Cities


An ancient word, derived from the Latin sanctuarium meaning ‘holy’.  Thus, those persecuted for their religion could find safety within a temple or church.

Today, it seems that criminal aliens are considered persecuted and only need to reside near a church or, specifically, in a city that contains a church (I assume).

Please help me to understand, because this should be referred to as anarchy, not only by individuals but also by local governments.  It, certainly, has not been authorized by the federal government and, therefore, one hopes that jail cells be prepared for a large influx of sore losing, non-religious, anarchists.

Is there any discussion here?  Does the Constitution have any value?