(I hope that Stephanie will excuse this publication of our personal discussion of such an important subject).
A fairly well balanced article methinks. It is a very very sensitive issue and the USA must stay out of it. S.A. does not comment on Trump's crude stupidities.
The main problem will be that those who get land will not necessarily be farming material. Will they also take on the debt on the drought-collapsed farms? The Bantu men have never been farmers — with cattle yes, sat and drank a lot of beer and fought while the women planted, hoed and reaped.
Big trouble ahead. Some squatters have moved onto private farms already with threats … and one farmer I know of has already fled his land.
Interesting times? I don't think so.
Yes, it’s a sensitive issue but, I hope not an issue to be hidden. You can be sure that the US government will not try to affect physical influence (Except, perhaps, within the UN) but it’s worth noting that the President isn’t always in step with the government … and he likes (non-crude) sanctions.
It’s obvious, to me, that the S.A. situation is both cultural and political, and will worsen before improving. These kinds of problems usually take generations to overcome and, although it has existed for generations, already, today’s children (on both sides) have been indoctrinated towards a status quo. Therefore, not within our lifetime.
Often, it's to be wise after an event, but because of the huge timeline, it was unforgivable of the white farmers to not educate the huge, majority, black population because they appeared to be unintelligent — a fallacy that still exists, although the underlying motive was to impose domination. There can be no reason for 10% of the population to privately own 90% of the land (Widely estimated figures).
Perhaps, one unpopular answer would be for the government to permit every farmer (black and white) to be officially entitled to no more than 50 acres (A definition of a creditable small holding) of land, and other lands to become government-owned for development into co-operatives (Accessible to all South Africans). Just an obscure thought.