Sunday, 21 July 2019

Politics 21 - Boris Johnson

This morning, I read a column written by journalist Margaret Evens on the CBC Website about Boris Johnson.

Being British, well, British-Canadian ... and not very proud (at the moment) to be the holder of either passport, I found her narrative very compelling, such that I have decided to share some of the content - precisely, to quote some descriptors (by order of use) that she applied to Boris as follows:

He is a "controversial ... and a refreshing and charismatic politician ... a cold-hearted ... ambitious person ... values humour and rhetoric ... an entertaining writer."  He has an "outspoken, jovial presence ... a rock-star like ability."  and, most important, could become a "dynamic leader".  "Our country is crying out for strong, optimistic leadership" ... attached to a "more likable personality".

As I presumed in my opening remarks, I believe that the world will be better with Boris Johnson as the next Prime Minister.  If only there was such a Canadian with his character but, sadly, there seems to be no one capable at present ... least of all, our present Prime Minister.

Finally, I will introduce a controversial comparison, such is my disposition;  That there are the ghosts of King George II (His ancestor) and Sir Winston Churchill present.  I suppose, as a British-Canadian, I should be permitted to dream.

We shall discover the answer on Tuesday, 23rd July.  And, without doubt, a congratulatory message from President Donald Trump.

I pray not to be ahead of myself, and await your comments.