Thursday, 15 August 2019

Racial Discrimination

Like it or not, we live on a world that is rapidly increasing its rate of demographic change.  Ever since the Big Bang, there has been movement of sentient life forms (Observed by Charles Darwin) throughout the globe for various reasons, least of which was the mighty dollar … until today (This century).

Being a controversial subject, some would state that human movement has taken place for many centuries, but there has always been areas to easily and conveniently absorb that movement because of relatively small numbers … until today (This century).

The difference, today, is that global transportation enables anyone to move to the other side of the Earth in 24 hours, unlike in the past when cultures would take a generation to move across just one continent.  The result being stagnation of cultures within their own respective continents.

Unfortunately, geologically and environmentally, especially on the African continent, some cultures were dealt a poor hand which impeded a useful civilized development.  These people were black skinned.  Equally, the Indian continent suffered similarly and these people were brown.  Many indigenous peoples were also dark skinned, Australia is one example … America, another.

Today, geologically and especially environmentally, the Earth is experiencing rapid change, affecting, at least those cultures who were dealt the poor hand and, with the spread of electronic communication, they may observe the comfortable life of the white cultures who were dealt valuable aces and jokers. 

Thus, we have a situation of envious black and brown races believing it is their time to move again, but in greater numbers … for the mighty dollar.  They are, now, referred to as migrants; economic, illegal, and refugees.  Black, brown (Coloured) and poor … and usually uninvited.

When I, firstly, thought about writing this post, I had a slightly different subject in mind.  The upside down aspect of white Afrikaner people being killed in South Africa.  People who, I believe, according to the U.N., may not be given refugee status to move with the black and brown races to a safer continent.  Should we also be sympathetic to their plight … or is it a kind of karma.

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