Saturday, 16 January 2021

Snippets 16 (a), (b) & (c)

 When there appears to be more than one item of serious interest each day, it seemed that this format is suitable -- I hope that you agree, and follow with comments.

U.S. Secretary of State - Michael R. Pompeo

(a)  U.S. capitals on edge for armed protests as Trump presidency nears end.

“The FBI warned police agencies of possible armed protests outside all 50 state capitol buildings starting Saturday through President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration on Jan. 20, fueled by supporters of President Donald Trump who believe his false claims of electoral fraud.”

The scramble followed the deadly Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol in Washington by a mix of extremists and Trump supporters …. “

Toronto Sun

[Linking “armed protests” to President Trump is fake news.  Writing that the peaceful protesters were “armed” instead of saying “extremists” is, again, fake news.  The President’s claims of a conspiracy of electoral fraud are absolutely not false.  Finally, “extremists” deliberately wearing MAGA hats, until proven, are not “supporters.”]

(b)  Pompeo: The “True Face” of the CCP Has Been Exposed.

“We took our eyes off this enormous threat and now — it’s now upon us, it’s now inside the gates, the Chinese Communist Party is here in America.”

The Epoch Times

(c)  Over 432,000 Votes Removed From Trump in Pennsyvania, Data Scientists Say.

“We did not see the same type of negative decrements to any of the candidates that we saw with President Trump’s tallies, and they happened repeatedly with no explanation.”

Data Integrity Group

Sunday, 10 January 2021

Donald J. Trump -- My View


Donald J. Trump

President of The United States of America  2016 -- 2020

It is pitch black outside -- every lamp has been switched on -- people (if there are any) must be wondering why I've illuminated the whole street outside -- there may be a few Antifa zombies about, but they're invisible.  I have been awake all night and it is 5:00 anti meridiem (I looked it up ... I'm biding for time) but it will be be midday before I'm satisfied, although satisfaction may, perhaps, be left for the Comments section.

Let me be controversial, immediately.  Donald Trump has been one of the best presidents in United States history.  Once the smoke has cleared in a month or two ... probably, a year or two, when the criminally, despicable, Biden Family and their cohorts, Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, et al, are revealed, there will be a realization why more than half of the balloted population needed Donald Trump to establish a second term. 

Allow me to provide an example.  All during his tenure, he held popular rallies where hundreds of thousands of followers crowded to take part -- some wore MAGA hats, some didn't, and it was noticeable how peaceful they were -- yes, noisy, but peaceful.  Last week, a pre-arranged Trump March was held and, outside the White House, after keeping a peaceful crowd patiently waiting for more than an hour, he congratulated them and wished them well (An action that he will regret for the rest of his life) not realizing the terrible events that were to follow.  What followed, was how the crowd changed into baton-carying, helmeted, body-armour, rent-a-thug, Antifa, Chinese funded hooligans, very noticeable by their increasingly extensive use of MAGA hats.  Of course, the media were nowhere to be seen but, unfortunately for them, and fortunately for history, public cameras were everywhere.

During the next four years of America's non-democratic, liberal, social, communism, the Peoples Republic of China will further establish their planned global power ... and our children and grandchildren shall never forgive us.

Thursday, 7 January 2021

Poetry -- Tranquility (Edited)

Matsuo Basho - 17th Century Haiku Master 




Oh, tranquility!

Penetrating the very rock,

A cicada’s voice.