Sunday, 3 July 2022

Snippet 20 -- Gene Therapy

 "Not a vaccine in the medical definition, the COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ is really an experimental gene therapy that does not render immunity or prevent infection or transmission of the disease."

( Well, who would have guessed ? )



''It is not only for what we do that we are held responsible, but
also for what we do not do.''


Friday, 1 July 2022

Snippet 19 -- The Desperation of Trump-haters

When is a snippet a small piece ?  A small piece of Ukraine illustrates an item of Earth-shattering proportion.  Another example is Apple Books, 'Read, listen, discover -- All in one place'.  Well, really, that's just a short advertising statement, snipped ignorantly.  So, now, as I absorb the studied words of Conrad Black's latest lengthy article about the desperation of Trump-haters, do I copy every agreeable word, change most of the adjectives with similes, and claim it as my own ... and, still, risk plagiarism, or do I resort to a snippet (again).  

Peggy Noonan and I [Conrad Black] have recently confirmed that our political disagreements absolutely won’t stand in the way of our long friendship.

This is timely, as in her latest pronouncement upon the ever-shifting and more desperate perspective of civilized Trump-hate (defined here as making some effort at analysis, no matter how nonsensical, and not just primal scream therapy like most Trump-haters) in her column in The Wall Street Journal on June 16, she presented the most delusional version of the Trump-cancellation argument that has yet been made by any otherwise serious person still capable of rational comment on the subject.

The five thin and vibrating tent poles holding up the porous canvas of Trump-denial now, according to Noonan, are: 2020 was a pristine election incapable of serious doubt; Trump was trying to overturn the election result by intimidation on Jan. 6, 2021; there’s no merit in the Trumpism-without-Trump argument—his administration was a complete failure in every policy area; his scores of millions of supporters don’t really support him and they’re deserting him; and all those who turned themselves inside-out—and in some cases violated election and vote-counting statutes—to bring Trump down have no responsibility whatsoever for the almost indescribable catastrophe of the present administration.


Barring terrible tactical errors, of which he’s capable, Trump will be back, and will return much wiser and more formidable than we remember him.

Conrad Black (The Epoch Times)