Friday, 29 July 2016

An Embarrassed Answer of Silence

The conundrum regarding the sound made by a falling tree in a forest, made me suddenly wonder about this question, 'If an invisibility cloak were invented (It is said that experiments exist) and made available to you, how would you use it (Assuming total secrecy)?'

Naturally, the question related to a falling tree causes a good deal of amusement and, often, silence.  Some would claim conjecture, and others may suggest installing a simple audio recording device. 

Nevertheless, when there is silence in answer to the question, I wonder why.  Psychologically, there could be a case for embarrassment.  After all, it seems such a simple question, and one wouldn't wish to look foolish.

The question (above) of an invisibility cloak, is a conditional clause preceded by the word 'if', and the promise of secrecy.  Therefore, there should be unreserved answers, unaffected by embarrassment, but there is often silence to this question.

I would like to propose the same question to you, and wonder if your silence will (itself) be the answer ... and why?

This, surely, is an opportunity to express your long-held dream, perhaps becoming the next king or president ... but not a moment to consider creeping up behind me and shouting, 'Boo!'


  1. If a cloak of invisibility were made available to me how would I use it?
    Hmm, your premise begins considering the sound of a tree failing in the forest is not detected by a human ear so did it make a sound?
    Some wag asked “what is the sound of one hand clapping?” Of course there is a sound of one hand causing waves in the air which could be detected but not by a human ear.
    Invisibility is easily experienced in a chamber where no ‘light’ is present in the wave lengths detected by a human eye. If you and I were in such an environment you would not ‘see’ me and I could engage you physically in some way pleasant or unpleasant. Of course I would have to find you using other senses. Similarly, the reverse is possible.
    Have you ever felt you actually were invisible in say a crowded space where people seem not to notice you at all as an individual? Is one fish is a school visible to the other fish? Fish are said to school so the individual is invisible to a predator.
    In conclusion I suggest you restate the proposition to qualify the circumstances where you receive said cloak.

  2. I should be grateful that your answer is not silence but, on the other hand, there is a request for more information, which seems to be a matter of avoidance.

    I am aware of a variety of experimental fixed barriers and chambers but, for the sake of discussion, I am introducing the possibility of a science fiction cloak that enables unlimited travel.

    Specifically, would it enable you to do something, for example, illegal ... and avoid detention.


  3. Are you inciting me to commit a felony Bernie?


  4. Of course not John. I went out of my way to indicate the conditional clause.

    Therefore, if I answered the same question, I could say that I would become an assassin.

    If ....
