Thursday, 23 February 2017

Two Words

Recently, on a whim, after discovering the old keys to my attic, I clambered up the creaky steps, struggled with the rusty lock, forced open the door, and waited for my eyes to becomes used to the gloomy interior.  It was eerily quiet, but the huge number of cobwebs told me that I was not alone … the spiders were hiding, no doubt.  I opened a travel trunk, causing a cloud of dust.  Inside, I discovered many academic books that had seen better days.  Opening the top one I discovered …. 

Actually, none of this is true - I simply found a cardboard box at the bottom of my wardrobe.  But there was a collection of books there, and the following tale was tucked inside one of them.  I know that you will enjoy it. 

Two Words

“To what, Oh master, do you attribute your success as a technical editor?” asked the young scribe.

“Two words:” replied the crusty old curmudgeon, “Right Decisions!”

“But how does one learn to make right decisions?” pressed the disciple.

“Experience!” replied the learned logosopher, deleting a descriptive passage as he spoke.

“And how does one gain experience?” demanded the querant, restlessly clicking his mouse buttons.

“Two words:” said the embattled editor, “Wrong Decisions!”

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