Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Massacre by Losers

I'm sorry to bring politics into this Blog but I'm unable to dismiss this massacre by 'losers'.  We must speak out;  either in the media or between ourselves.  I've saved you reading the details, but you ought, and they are available at

"British columnist under fire for echoing Nazis in calling for a ‘final solution’ after Manchester attack  

'Hopkins deleted the tweet after it drew a reaction, calling the word 'final' a 'typo' that was 'disrespectful' to the Manchester survivors'

Manchester massacre highlights a tectonic shift in how we talk about terrorism

'Terry Glavin: In the NATO capitals, something has finally shifted in the way Islamist terror is understood'

Morrissey blasts politicians and the queen for not condemning Islam in the wake of Manchester attack  

'Politicians tell us they are unafraid, but they are never the victims. How easy to be unafraid when one is protected from the line of fire'


  1. The tragedy in Manchester is unspeakable. We are all devastated for those poor girls, their parents and the other who died.
    However, the perpetrators missed the one-two punch needed to make it a government breaking event. Just imagine if they had hit another soft target in Blackpool or Liverpool on the same night at the same time. They had the bomb material or so it appears and finding a suicidal jihadist among the Muslims in England would not have been hard. They set a pattern with multiple attacks in Paris a year ago.
    That's the theme of my book called American Jihad. It will happen in America too.

  2. Firstly, are you aware that there are two published books titled 'American Jihad' on sale?

    One could argue that left- or right-wing views related to Islamophobia are doomed to be a waste of time, as the belief of peaceful Muslims or fundamental Islamists hides the real human problem of bigoted discussion. Until we are able to seen that it has nothing to do with religion but. instead, the management of terrorist thugs (losers) by enacting existing severe laws, e.g., immigration.

    Therefore, I shall not encourage discussion on this subject. Gosh, I never thought that I could write such a statement on this Blog.


  3. Are you saying that if free immigration into our countries is allowed peaceful and fundamental Muslims will become peaceful and stop killing both themselves and people in the host countries? You don't believe that so you propose enacting existing severe laws, eg immigration. Whatever, the barn door cannot be closed.
    As long as they believe in the rewards of paradise after killing kafir they'll never stop. Many Imams encourage such belief. Of course, many Christians believe they'll go to heaven particularly if they don't kill someone. Hmmm, oh yes, there may be many books called American Jihad. Mine must be the best.


  4. Au contraire Monsieur Pussycat; the barn door is closing as we speak.

    Laws that have existed for years enable ICE to apprehend CRIMINAL illegals with the assistance of the FBI and local police forces, and deport them without trial (and the inevitable extensive, and costly, appeals). Personally, I would include the family of CRIMINAL illegals. But, I have given emphasis to the word 'criminal' because, at least for the moment, I would permit any immigrant whose only crime was illegal entry to be given a temporary visa.

    Unfortunately, that last sentence is beyond the law as it exists today.

  5. Meow, call me Pepe LePeu.
    Trump is trying to close the door but he made nice to the Saudis who are the worst of the Islamists. No matter, they paid $30 billion for armaments they won't know how to use for the privilege of entering America. However, the Jihadists have no trouble entering Europe and walking into Canada through Quebec.


  6. I have just noticed a phrase in my last comment, "I would include the family ..." I have no wish to delete the phrase, but to explain it.

    It seems, at the moment, that we only have just one action against the terrorist, i.e., Call out the army (After the incident)! And, for a while, they all scurry underground like rats. Only to return when our defences are down.

    Inevitably, they huddle in the arms of their family. It occurs to me, therefore, that the much needed deterrence should be shifted to the family. I wonder if the thought of their family being returned to their country of origin could influence their actions.

    I feel sorry for some innocent families of these terrorists (At least, some of them). But what are we doing now, stating that we will deport the terroists if they blow themselves up (Humour not intended).
