It happened yesterday, and made getting asleep so very difficult that I had to write about it this morning … to someone.
Leaving the local Superstore, I was confronted by a woman sitting on a low wall looking quite sad. She was colourfully well-dressed, complete with a hijab, and seemed healthy. I was surprised, not so much by the Islamic dress, but by a an old piece of cardboard that she was holding tightly in front of her, upon which was written, “I AM POOR GIVE ME MONEY”. I experienced the proverbial ‘double-take’ … and walked away.
That’s why I had difficulty sleeping — not because of the hijab (known to be worn by some Christians also) but because she was a Muslim and, therefore, without a doubt, a refugee … and ... I walked away.
I needed answers. Why, on a cold November day, did she need to sit outside the Superstore, apparently ignored by most people? Why didn’t she visit the local mosque and talk to a charitable imam. The government gives welfare cheques to all refugees, why is it insufficient (It is greater than my pension)? Does she have a husband who demands more money?
So many embarrassing questions that need to be addressed.
NB. It must be noted that, personally, I have some acceptance of Canada’s refugee policies … it is illegal immigrants that make me extremely angry (whatever their ethnic origin). Just saying.