Saturday, 25 November 2017

A Piece Of Cardboard

It happened yesterday, and made getting asleep so very difficult that I had to write about it this morning … to someone.

Leaving the local Superstore, I was confronted by a woman sitting on a low wall looking quite sad.  She was colourfully well-dressed, complete with a hijab, and seemed healthy.  I was surprised, not so much by the Islamic dress, but by a an old piece of cardboard that she was holding tightly in front of her, upon which was written, “I AM POOR GIVE ME MONEY”.  I experienced the proverbial ‘double-take’ … and walked away.

That’s why I had difficulty sleeping — not because of the hijab (known to be worn by some Christians also) but because she was a Muslim and, therefore, without a doubt, a refugee … and ... I walked away.

I needed answers.  Why, on a cold November day, did she need to sit outside the Superstore, apparently ignored by most people?  Why didn’t she visit the local mosque and talk to a charitable imam.  The government gives welfare cheques to all refugees, why is it insufficient (It is greater than my pension)?  Does she have a husband who demands more money?

So many embarrassing questions that need to be addressed.

NB.  It must be noted that, personally, I have some acceptance of Canada’s refugee policies … it is illegal immigrants that make me extremely angry (whatever their ethnic origin).  Just saying.


  1. What a sad story Bernie. Maybe you could forward your message to a local Mosque.

  2. Perhaps I was faced with a dilemma that presents two very opposing, and critical, views:
    1. That I follow your open-minded advice to obtain council from a local imam, who would, if need be, open his Saudi petty-cash box, thus making me a hypocrite, or
    2. Assume that she could not be a well-funded refugee and, thus, would be an illegal immigrant … requiring police intervention.

    NB. Turning the ubiquitous blind eye obviously results in sleeplessness.

  3. A moral conundrum. What would Jesus do?
    Why would you be a hypocrite for doing action 1?

  4. It is said that Jesus entered the temple and and banned all the money lenders, thus, your example is false ... or did you mean Justin?

    Introducing an illegal immigrant to an imam would countenance the situation, thus, turn a blind eye, and amount to being an accomplice.
    There are many people in Europe who, now, wish that they hadn't countenanced the illegal immigrants.
    Like most of us, I confess to turning a blind eye ... too many times, and I believe that, eventually, I shall display the action of my convictions.

    NB. I am still referring to illegal immigrants only.

  5. In 14hundred and 92
    Columbus sailed the ocean blue.
    The people who lived in the continents they later called the New World had not conceived of the term illegal immigrant. Suppose they had!!!!
    I don't think your conundrum is dealing with an immigrant but what to do with a person in need.

  6. You wish to selectively 'cherry-pick' the course of history. That's not much different than asking the affect of Germany (or Japan) winning WWII.

    You seem to be, conveniently, turning a blind eye to illegal immigration. I doubt this person's need.
