Thursday, 23 July 2020

World Leader Phenomenon

It would be remiss of me not to transfer this excellently turned-around e-mail through to this Blog (Thanks to John).
 The countries most affected by CoviD-19 are the USA. Brazil, Russia, Spain, the UK, Italy and France
Here are photos of their leaders:

The countries recognized as handling the crisis the best are Germany, Taiwan, New Zealand, Iceland, Finland, Norway and Denmark.
Here are photos of their leaders
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  1. Stephanie di BonThursday, 23 July, 2020

    But of course, naturally, not very curious at all!

  2. Leslyn Lewis is a candidate for the job. She's a very articulate woman and who knows.
    I marked her for my second choice.

  3. Putin seems to have a jab for Covid19. If so it proves dictatorship by men is the answer to all the world problems. Brazil and America are outstanding examples of countries led by wonderful men and the UK is not far behind.
