Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Question - Halal Meat

This is not a religious Post … not even a political one.

Really, there is, now, not much left to write about, but that was until I started to cook dinner.

The other day, the weather was cold enough to register within a single digit, but the sun was shining and I had an urge to visit the Superstore to restock my pantry in preparation for the oncoming winter.  This meant buying two of everything … and cashing in my PC Points (Customer loyalty points).

Incidentally, if you were considering a visit here, I now have more than twice as much chocolate ice cream than normal.

But I digest, because the subject deals with a surprise.  You see, I bought two packs of my favourite lamb chops.  Cutting open the Canadian plastic wrap revealed an additional plastic wrap marked Australian Lamb inside.  This didn’t seem unusual but, when washing the wrapping prior to throwing away, I noticed a small label facing inwards towards the meat.  In other words, it could not be read until both wrappings were removed.  It said:

          SOU 26971
     Authorised By Supreme Islamic
     Council of Halal Meat in Australia

Surely, as I mentioned earlier, this isn’t intended to be a religious Post, but I am sufficiently disturbed to post it here.

I hope that you will be equally concerned to comment.


  1. Halal products are spreading and taking the space needed for Christian food in grocery meat counters. In order to be called halal a fee is paid to an Imam who collects the money to further Islamist causes. That raises the price and is an indirect tax on Muslims and anyone else who inadvertently buys the stuff. Some food is considered kosher and purchased by Jewish people but it does not occupy significant space in most grocery stores. Jewish people have some customs similar to Muslims since they both come from the Middle East but Jews do not aggressively foist their customs on the general population.


  2. When writing each Post, I should confess that I rarely reveal all points in my head at the same time, in order to, hopefully, leave space for additional conversation. I thank you John for allowing me to address a couple of points that you have made.
    ~ I am fortunate to shop in a large Superstore that allocates about 1% of the "Christian" (An intriguing adjective) meat counter to halal product. Therefore, unless this is a furtive attempt to establish a 'foot-in-the-door', I shall not speak to the manager yet (In the U.K. there are individual Islamic butcher's shops.
    ~ Incidentally, I wonder where Jewish people obtain their kosher meat?
    ~ The 'sacrificial lamb' ceremony of respect and thanks, is something practiced in many cultures, including our indigenous peoples.
    ~ I suspect that this form of taxation is very small, compared to the gifts from Saudi Arabia. I wonder if The Donald will rule against it?
    ~ I am sure that there could be some new laws written, relating to Jewish customs, that would force Muslims to comply with our norm. Of course, when the millions of 'illegals' have been deported, it will be unnecessary.

  3. Good points Bernie. I used the word Christian to provoke thought. Of course, our food is not "Christian" but Christianity is now and always has been the wall holding back Islam and Sharia.
    I shouldn't have mentioned kosher food in this context but I'm glad you mentioned native cultures recognize the sacrifice of the animals that provide them food. To them all life is sacred, it's a shame not every society feels that way at all times. Think about the factory scale killing that fills our grocery shelves. Ugh.
    I think every culture or religious group should have shops providing the food they need in the manner they want it. If a super store must offer speciality food it should be clearly marked so bigots like me don't accidentally purchase it.

  4. You are not alone in your bigotry. I include myself in the need to describe imported halal meat. Perhaps, the immigration laws could be rewritten to address this. Ha!
