Monday, 9 December 2019

“Moments of fear, pain, disappointment, helplessness, torment, and struggle” (Meng Wanzhou)

“If you don't laugh, you'll cry” was a side-heading in Maclean’s this morning, suggesting, it seems, that we should stop whinging about the plight of Kovrig and Spavor in China when compared to Meng in Canada.  Discussing the detention facilities of each person, while not explaining often enough why detention is applied, is a misuse of media responsibility.

China’s roads East and West, to eventual domination have enabled Huawei to expand its 5G security systems into Brazil and, thus, throughout South America.  Meng, chairperson and chief executive of her father’s company (Huawei) and family friend of Xi Jinping has been accused of fraudulent dealings with Iran, and this has created a US arrest warrant.

Knowing, obviously, that she would be arrested whenever travelling in the US, an important visit to Brazil required a diversion.  Normally, flights from China to Brazil require one stop in the US (normally Los Angeles).  Therefore, Meng booked her route via Vancouver, hardly imagining that peaceful Canada would be alerted of her arrival … silly woman !

“Tomorrow will mark one year since Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor were detained by Chinese authorities in retaliation for Canadian police picking up telecom executive Meng Wanzhou on a U.S. arrest warrant. While out on partial — or should that be palatial — bail, she's found the time to read more books and complete an oil painting. Kovrig and Spavor meanwhile languish in cramped jail cells where the lights are kept on all night and they have no access to lawyers.”                  [Maclean’s]

It seems to me that the Canadian court for extradition is being deliberately, Trudeau-inspired, inactive in this case and, no doubt, if the verdict demands extradition, Meng will take it for years of appeal at the Supreme Court.  She, knowingly, did wrong and, therefore, extraditing her to the US must be the only course of action … now.

Please let me know.  For example, allowing her appeal will extend the horrendous conditions suffered by Kovrig and Spavor.

1 comment:

  1. It is beyond my comprehension why this Post received zero comment. Nevertheless, a new step is taking place. It will test Justin's importance on the world's stage (and he certainly needs that) against that of China's tyrant dictator Xi Jinping.
    At the moment, a small number of decrepit ex-politicians are trying to pressure him to let her go. The good news, at the moment, is to avoid the pressure and we must pray that he does not succumb. I propose that he plays fair ... and provides arrest conditions for her, similar to the two Canadians.
    You say what ?
