Thursday, 2 January 2020

A 'Values' Test

It’s a new year and methinks that it’ll be an amazing year for writers with political emotions.  

Unfortunately, for me, I really do wish there was something, other than politics, that was sufficiently interesting to write about, but is there ?

There is the liberal indoctrination of youth education (Nothing new there, it could be said);  International sport and drugs, of which I am quite ignorant;  Electric automobiles (This may absorb one paragraph);  Sustainable food supplies, requiring much research (For later);  etc.  This leaves me with Politics, Religion, or the misunderstood Global Warming.

Therefore, I will choose Immigration which, of course, is political (Smiley to be inserted).

I have just listened to a CBC radio programme about Quebec’s new immigration laws (rules) and discovered a few things that many people are ignorant about . This is a simple introductory Blog explaining those laws, such that you will be encouraged to discuss them with me (Fingers crossed).

Introducing a controversial "values" test that some potential immigrants will have to complete.

  1. It is a questionnaire of 20 multiple-choice questions.
  1. The Pass level is 75%.
  1. An example question is:  In Quebec, women are equal to men —  True or false.
  1. Or:  In Quebec the official language is;  English;  Spanish;  French;  English and French.
  1. Every immigrant requiring a Quebec Selection Certificate for permission to apply for Permanent Residency will be required to pass the test.  This will usually be taken in their country of origin.
  1. It may be available for taking on one’s home computer (Believe it or not).
  1. This will ensure that applicants will understand Quebec’s values.
  1. This test is related, also, to the controversial Bill-21.

I believe it ironic if, in this land of immigrants, people may be disinterested to engage into some, necessary, discussion.

Over to you, mes amies.

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