It’s a new year and methinks that it’ll be an amazing year for writers with political emotions.
Unfortunately, for me, I really do wish there was something, other than politics, that was sufficiently interesting to write about, but is there ?
There is the liberal indoctrination of youth education (Nothing new there, it could be said); International sport and drugs, of which I am quite ignorant; Electric automobiles (This may absorb one paragraph); Sustainable food supplies, requiring much research (For later); etc. This leaves me with Politics, Religion, or the misunderstood Global Warming.
Therefore, I will choose Immigration which, of course, is political (Smiley to be inserted).
I have just listened to a CBC radio programme about Quebec’s new immigration laws (rules) and discovered a few things that many people are ignorant about . This is a simple introductory Blog explaining those laws, such that you will be encouraged to discuss them with me (Fingers crossed).
Introducing a controversial "values" test that some potential immigrants will have to complete.
- It is a questionnaire of 20 multiple-choice questions.
- The Pass level is 75%.
- An example question is: In Quebec, women are equal to men — True or false.
- Or: In Quebec the official language is; English; Spanish; French; English and French.
- Every immigrant requiring a Quebec Selection Certificate for permission to apply for Permanent Residency will be required to pass the test. This will usually be taken in their country of origin.
- It may be available for taking on one’s home computer (Believe it or not).
- This will ensure that applicants will understand Quebec’s values.
- This test is related, also, to the controversial Bill-21.
I believe it ironic if, in this land of immigrants, people may be disinterested to engage into some, necessary, discussion.
Over to you, mes amies.
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