Sunday 11 October 2020

Push -- Feature Version

 I am very grateful to John for bringing this very important video to our attention.


Housing prices are skyrocketing in cities around the world. Incomes are not. Push sheds light on a new kind of faceless landlord, increasingly unliveable cities, and an escalating housing crisis. The film follows Leilani Farha, the UN Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing, as she's travelling the globe, trying to understand who's being pushed out of the city and why.



  1. There were many debatable points included in this controversial video that should occupy our interest for some time.

    One was the popular agreement to prohibit the purchase of real estate by overseas buyers. Unfortunately, those with limitless funds could overcome such rules. A version of this is enacted in Vancouver (Canada) where property tax on foreign ownership is substantially increased ... and increased even more if the property is left unoccupied.

    There will be loopholes, but where there's a will, there's another ... loophole. 🙄

  2. Congratulations to Bernie for posting this film to a world wide audience. He is correct, the financiers will find loop holes and ways to evict tenants into the realm of the homeless that camp in the parks of cities around the world. However, there is a glimmer of hope at the end of the film and maybe people and politicians will rise up and stop their nefarious practices.

    1. Enter left to the sound of trumpets ... Counter Culture.
