Saturday 5 December 2020

Quotation -- Conversation and Civil Disagreement


"Something magical happens when people break bread together and there's this shared experience of, you may completely disagree with the person sitting next to you, but then you're still going to humbly ask them to pass the butter, you know ?"

Jason Atkinson,  Film Maker and Writer

The Epoch Times, December 2, 2020


  1. Allowing time for a magical moment of shared experiences to happen, now, leaves doubt about the experience ... and the quantity of bread available to share.

    Obviously, the coincidence of the quotation appearing to me as I pondered some extreme comments to my e-mail was useful but, nevertheless, such comments should be addressed, and some are as follows:

    “Lies, lies, lies !” Yes, I agree, as with many global leaders, President Trump is a narcissist and, therefore, exhibits quite an ego. His ego becomes evident when asked a leading question of which he is unsure of the answer, then, he makes an estimated, or careless, guess, but not a lie, just as when being quoted out of context. To state that he really believes injecting bleach into one’s body will cure CoviD-19, displays your ridiculous (choose your own adjective) mind.
    “… in my lifetime …”. To state that President Trump has been the biggest joke perpetrated on the world in your lifetime permits me to mention Adolf Hitler, et al. Illustrating a silly (choose your own adjective) mind.
    In a Blog devoted to discussion, it would have been interesting if an acceptable alternate to President Trump could have been mentioned.

    Will someone please, sensibly, pass the butter … or margarine.
