Wednesday 26 May 2021

A World Order

There are signs of a proverbial light at the end of the tunnel for the  mysterious coronavirus pandemic, and some amongst us are redirecting our thoughts to the increasing threat of Chinese world dominance.  

This morning, I found myself moving my viewpoint.  I remembered studies of the global population rate of growth — to be more accurate, the decreasing rate of growth.  Global demographic trends indicate a serious change in world order by the 22nd century.  I know … dust to dust, etc. 

Thus, perhaps, the Chinese world dominance idea needs to be rethought. There is a very obvious decline in the rate of population growth in China … certainly, if we ignore the rape of Uyghur women by Han Chinese [Sorry, I couldn’t resist that].  But, I don’t wish to focus on the human rights issue, at this moment.

A serious declining rate of population growth is well documented, not only in China, but also in Japan … and many countries globally.  There is just one exception — Islamic countries.  Muslim birth rates are exceeding forecasts by unusual numbers for religious and political reasons. 

The extraordinary picture that I wish to share with you, now, is one where an Islamic muezzin can be seen screaming from the rooftops of Buddhist temples, and also from the steeples of Christian cathedrals.

Yes, a change in the world order — religious and political — that we haven’t really envisaged. 


  1. You have been very quiet lately, Bernie. Reawakening the fear of Muslim world takeover is not timely any longer. Population explosions in political or religious societies has happened in many countries. Quebec even bragged about the "revenge of the cradle" when the priests encouraged large families to take over the province and kick others out but when TV became the unexpected birth control mechanism the political masters were forced to take more aggressive means to drive others out of the province. The aggression is even now increasing against non Quebecers, ie les maudit Anglais.
    As more Muslims get TV the trend to large families will slow except in third world situations. Remember, in western countries it is very expensive to raise children, prohibitively expensive!

  2. Political indoctrination (brain washing) by propaganda is an amazing tool used by clever Marxists and Communists (everywhere) and, religiously, and silently, by Muslims.

    Quebecers, bless their souls, live in a different world. 🎶

  3. God or Allah bless Quebecers, Marxists, Communists and Al Qaeda or whoever is in charge of Islam. I read an aeticle about experiments on rats and mice in the 70's by Dr. John Calhoun. He discovered colonies of rats and mice living in perfect controlled communities with all the food, water and environment they could wish for died out to the last animals after they reached a population where they stopped breeding. Humans have yet to have enough food, water and the environment they wish for but many are already not breeding. Maybe nature (Allah) looks after her own by making room for a better species.

    1. We should look toward Elon Musk to help us emigrate to Mars, probably.

    "'Death cross': South Korea's demographic crisis marks a warning to the world."
    "Taiwan hurtles toward 'superaged' status as birthrate plummets."
