Sunday 6 June 2021

Coronavirus -- Unanswered Questions

"Develop a Vaccine and Vaccinate"

Said and done -- by the previous administration and continued by the present illegitimate administration (More later, probably).  But there were always questions and, some, still remain. 

  1. Wear face masks and maintain two-metre distancing.  Sufficiently done, but with much complaining.
  2. Close all public venues, i.e., stores and restaurants ... and hair salons, except grocery stores.  Sufficiently done, and physical fighting developing. 
  3. Distribute vaccines ... months behind schedule, with uncertainty of second doses.
  4. And politically-inspired conspiracy theories :
  • Bats in and out of a wet-market near to the Wuhan laboratory ... proven unlikely.
  •  Bungling, incompetent scientists at the Wuhan laboratory ... highly likely. 
  •  A coronavirus being "weaponized" and, now, proven to be highly efficient.
  • Funded by the US government (See Dr. Fauci). 
  •  "Why on Earth would China weaponize a virus within their own country liable to kill their own people?"  (Dr. Fauci)  Obvious answer, long-range cruise missiles, etc. 
  •  Note;  All staff at the Wuhan laboratory are PLA personnel supervising civil scientists from China, US, and Europe. 

 Let us pray.  🙏 


  1. Are you over thinking the reality of the situation, Bernie. I tend to believe the virus escaped from Wuhan Laboratory, probably not deliberately, but the CPP are embarased that they did not control it. Maybe the CPP has learned that weaponizing a virus is a weapon of terror but there Russians have other weapons on terror, ie, shutting down critical infrastruture in the west. We are in dangerous times, Bernie,

    1. Do the Chinese (All Chinese) believe that a huge 3-carrier group sailing straight through the middle of the China Sea is a "serious" threat? You bet your biddy bibby they do. Especially, after the Indian and Japanese warships have joined.
      The Chinese couldn't care less about the Russians, they are only concerned with threats against their expansionist ideas and their indoctrinated PLA has fingers itching to press the red "FIRE" button.
      I hope that our carrier fleet will divert through the international Taiwan Strait between Taiwan and the Mainland and, then, divert into Philippine waters (Permission given) near the Spratly Islands.
      Yes John, dangerous times ... for the Chinese.

  2. I suppose a huge fleet of capital ships, that is aircraft carriers as compared to dreadnoughts of a hundred years ago,looks impressive. Like the ships of old, how would they do in a shooting war? I venture to say, not very well.
    The US and other western countries are already immersed in 21st century war, that is cyber war. Many critical segments of the economy have be taken down by ransom ware. Imagine the disaster when an enemy takes the entire electrical power grid down, even for a short time. The carrier fleet would be rendered impotent when the internet stops working. China or another actor need not fear a shooting war when it is able to humble the west by remote control.

    1. Living and working within mainland China and establishing close relationships with the Chinese people, I see things from a perspective different from those who have been simple tourists of the country.

      Pause to view a YouTube video with keywords, Chinese, military, parade, for example:

      As I watched and looked closely into the faces of the indoctrinated automatons, I could see that they were completely oblivious and unconscious of the orbit that existed around them.

      One mischievous thought entered my mind as I watched -- imagine dropping a bomb into the middle of them. Some, probably, would imagine the remaining automatons to immediately arrange themselves into defensive positions, but they couldn't because they haven't been programmed to do that. Instead, they would run in all directions like screaming rats.

      That brings me to the huge battle armada due to arrive in the China Sea within a few weeks. In a past incident, the Chinese tactic was to ram a US ship, and a protest letter was sent to Beijing and nothing more was done.

      The hatred-filled brains of the automaton controllers could use the same tactic. If such becomes the case, let us hope that the battle group maintains a straight course and threatens defensive return fire ... highly damaging return fire.

      The sight of a heavily-damaged Chinese frigate returning to port would create a useful piece of media propaganda.

      (To be continued)
