Wednesday 29 August 2012

Music - Emotional Observation

Ludwig van Beethoven

Beethoven Portrait by Joseph Karl Stieler, 1820 (Beethoven-Haus, Bonn, Germany)

Beethoven's Cello Sonata No. 2 in G Minor

It's an interesting observation that, when listening to some of these video recordings, where we can watch the musicians playing, and we can see their facial expressions and emotions — if the music is happily romantic or sad, it is easy for the eyes to become moist ... this also happens at live concerts (Of course,  I'm just a silly emotional person).  Does it mean that we share the emotions of sadness or happiness with the musician?

On the other hand, when the same music is accompanied only by wonderful photographic images of nature, etc., then, I find that I'm not tearful.  Does this mean that the visual images are a distraction and, thus, I'm not listening seriously enough?

Also, if I watch the musicians a second time, I'm just as emotional (if not more) whereas the natural images become a little boring.

Therefore, perhaps, we should always close our eyes.

If emotions are concealed, then, one's character is suppressed.


  1. I generally agree with you, the activities of the orchestra are a bit distracting, but recordings where you can see a top conductor like Bernard Haitink perform it amazes you how he does it. And the atmosphere in a concert hall like the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam adds something you miss when listening at home. People do not understand why I am emotional sometimes, like when Patricia is playing at home (Steinway, YES!) or during a concert she now and then gives.The grand cadenza in Rachmaninov Pianoconc 3 still hits me tremendously. I do not go to orchestral concerts anymore, too much trouble. But my rather enormous collection of CD's gives me enough pleasure!

    "If emotions are concealed, then, one's character is suppressed." Is that so?

    1. I thought that this piece by Yoyo Ma and Emanuel Ax was a wonderful example of emotions displayed by the musicians both individually and between each other. This can not be appreciated on a CD. I can not understand why I should go to a concert hall to listen to a technically perfect musician playing, who's character is suppressed by the absence of emotion.

      Patricia's multi-talented playing of Rachmaninov's 3rd makes you a proud father I'm certain.
